Wednesday, January 7, 2009

her life plan {the rough draft}

This morning P and I had an interesting conversation as she was getting ready for her first day back to school.

Me: You only have half a year of school left!!

Her: Yeah, I can't wait to go to first grade!

Me: Oh, I'll be so sad when your a first grader.

Her: Why?

Me: Because you'll be a big kid and I want you to stay my baby.

Her: Um, what about when I go on a date?

Me: A DATE? Who are going on a DATE with?

Her: Well, someday I'm going to get married to a boy and then I'll have to go on date.

Me: But I want you to live with me forever.

Her: Uh, not when I'm 20!

I totally blame all this on the marathon of The Secret Life of the American Teenager that I watched this weekend while I THOUGHT she was busy playing Pet Pals.


Tessa said...

Don't you know Mrs. Gonzales has some great talks with our girls!

Anonymous said...

I love that show, The Secret Life, it is great! I think my daughters got a couple of life lessons as they walked in and out of the living room (the ENTIRE day).