Dang that HEB. A couple weeks ago they had a great deal on Reduced Fat Ritz crackers. I don't usually buy crackers, but it was BARGAIN...coupon and everything.
Is it really that great of a bargain if you wouldn't have bought it anyway? Probably not, but my addiction to coupons/saving money/getting a deal is kind of pathetic. But that's a whole 'nother post. I digress.
So, I make it home with 3 boxes of RF Ritz. (yes 3...don't you judge me. I said it was a bargain, remember?) A few days later the girls are wanting a snack so I decide to whip out the crackers. That's when it started.
Once Brooke sank her cute little baby teeth into that buttery, salty goodness, she was addicted. Like 12-step addicted. Since then, I've caught her sneaking into the pantry and pulling down the box from the shelf and gleefully pulling sleeves of crakers out. Fortunately, she can't open them, but she does know how to use her whiney voice and stomping and crying to wear her momma down.
The other day I inadvertantly left an open package within her reach. She pulled them down, found an empty cup filled it with the ritz, and proceeded to press her chubby little face into the cup and inhale.
That's right. My sweet, angelic daughter huffs Ritz. The horror.